Unc Healthcare Research Study

Research Opportunity: Hormones & Eating

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is recruiting for a research study. Many people report that they eat more before their menstrual period. But we don’t yet know exactly which hormones are involved in this change or why this change occurs. We are trying to better understand how female reproductive hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, impact eating behaviors in people who may experience certain types of unhealthy eating habits. You or someone you know might be eligible to join this research study if you:

  • Are 18-42 years of age
  • Have regular menstrual periods

Participation in this research study includes a total of 8 study visits, which will occur over the course of 4 months. Study participants can receive up to $1.050, a free medical exam and blood work, and all study participants can learn how their own, personal eating behaviors changed in response to hormones during a one on one meeting with the study investigator after study completion.


To find out if you are eligible, click here to complete a short survey. For more information, call Jennifer at 984-215-5519. 


Help advance our research by spreading the word to others! If you know someone who may be interested in our research, please forward this message to let them know about our studies.

Compensation: Up to $1,050; free evaluation; free medical exam & blood work

Location: https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bvYmWRlxNfHrR0V


Jessica Baker at University Of North Carolina

Recruitment Began

2021-09-29 15:50:01




Up to $1,050; free evaluation; free medical exam & blood work


  • Age: 18 to 42
  • Gender: Female, Trans Male
  • Country: United States