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Why advertise on FindParticipants? Because we care about our users, and our entire existence is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. And since we care about knowledge enough to have created FindParticipants, we hand-select our advertisers (see below).

Our advertising spots are not open to anyone with money, but they are open to companies, researchers, and advertisers who have a product or service that contributes or may contribute to academic research.

How much does it cost?

Each advertising spot is billed at the rate of USD$50.00 per month. All adverts are shown an approximately equal number of times, and we do not charge for clicks.

Adverts are shown on nearly every page on the website, including secure user areas- maximizing the frequency of display. You can see some advertising on the right column of this page, and many other publicly visible pages.

50% of our advertising revenues are paid directly to research participants registered with in compensation which often includes cash, gift certificates, and physical products.

Ready to get started?

If you're ready to place an advertisement on, or have additional questions- contact us and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.